

How to write a junior high school history essay? Let me teach you N tricks to conquer it!

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I think many junior high school students in Mianyang have been tormented by historical essays. It is said that many students who are naturally good at science fall on this.

So, how should we deal with this disgusting thing?

Today, I will share my personal experience.

::: warning
The personal introduction is for reference only, please combine it with your own situation.


Title (4 points) and Argument (3 points)#

1. Extracting the Point of View#

For example:
Mianyang 2022 Junior High School History Essay

When you first see the title, you should first identify what you want to argue.

For example, in this question, it is asking about the relationship between economic development and people's livelihood. Generally, at this time, I recommend that you use a pen to underline what you want to argue so as not to deviate from the topic when writing.

2. Formulating the Title#

At this point, someone will definitely say, "Ah, this is so simple, just write the relationship between economic development and people's livelihood directly!"

Well, let me tell you: you're absolutely wrong!

In the Mianyang entrance exam, the title must be written as a sentence, otherwise you won't get 4 points. Sometimes, the difference between passing and failing is just one point, let alone those who are striving for Mianzhong Nanshan. Don't look, learn from our English teacher 😂

At this point, we can extract the subject from the material.

The table on the left is obviously the material for the argument, let's ignore it for now. Take a look at the right side, it turns out that our respected Xi Dada is arranging the work to be done.

From a political perspective, we can consider Xi Dada ≈ the Party. So, the subject is the Party. By applying a little politics, we can write out the complete title: The Party improves people's livelihood through economic development.

3. Writing the Argument#

There is only one secret to the argument: rephrase the title in different words. However, the argument must be written in two lines in order to reduce the chance of deduction (even if a god comes, it won't help if you extract the argument incorrectly).

Can't think of how to come up with two lines of text? You can also write some ambiguous but relevant nonsense to the topic. For example, in this article, you can write about the essence of socialism or the Party's original aspiration and mission. Although it is irrelevant to the argument, it is very relevant to the topic, right?

Body (Argumentation) (12 points)#


First of all, I must emphasize one point: the historical facts and evidence you use must, must, must prove that your argument is correct.

For example, if you are selling a product and want someone to share their user experience, you wouldn't invite a hater, let alone someone who has never seen the product.

Writing a historical essay is the same.

Starting from 2023, Mianyang's historical essays only require 2-3 historical facts to prove the argument. Before that, teachers generally required you to write 3 or even 4 to support the argument.

Double reduction is really helping to reduce the burden

By the way, please use formal language in the argumentation, using colloquial language will leave a bad impression on the grading teacher.

Analyzing the Material#

Now, you only have the table left to use.
So, let's directly extract the key information - time.

1978, very familiar, right? - In this year, the reform and opening up began.

2020, the comprehensive construction of a well-off society.

Now, you can start looking up the information. We usually answer like this: ① which year, what did the key figure do, ② what impact did this event have.

For the ① part, it is what we commonly call historical facts, that is, elaboration. Taking the reform and opening up as an example: In 1978, the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee was held, and Deng Xiaoping guided the policy of reform and opening up (Pro tip: If you can't remember whether the reform and opening up is a policy, guideline, or basic national policy, just write the four words "reform and opening up". Although history is not so strict about this requirement, I'm still afraid that you will make a mistake when writing about politics. Note: Opening up to the outside world is a basic national policy).

For the ② part, it is the significance. Of course, you can call it argumentation as well. Taking the reform and opening up as an example: This policy enabled our country's economy to begin to recover and improved the people's livelihood.

Pay attention to the bolded sentence, this is the key to getting full marks - it is in line with the argument. Without this sentence, you can still get points, but you won't get full marks.

Sometimes, just one point away from the top score.

Conclusion (Summary) (3 points)#

Han Xin led the purification (as the saying goes), rephrase the title in different words. After saying that, write about what we should do. Of course, whether it is emphasizing the Party's goodness or what we should do, you must write at least one of them to ensure that you get full marks. For example: We must adhere to the Party's leadership, give full play to the Party's leading role, and provide direction and guarantee.

Does it sound familiar? This is a sentence I borrowed from politics.

Of course, you can also write like this: We must study hard and strive to contribute to the construction of a socialist modern powerful country.

However, the decision is up to you on how to write it.


Generally, writing in three paragraphs is sufficient, just like a Chinese essay.

The reference format and sample essay are provided here for your reference:
Reference format and sample essay

If the format is not correct, you generally won't get a score of 0, but 20 points will be out of reach. After all, in a language subject, the content is what matters.

So, this tutorial ends here. I hope everyone can achieve their desired results.

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