

Come to Baidu PaddlePaddle to enjoy free GPU computing power! It can be used for drawing on NovelAI!

Come to Baidu PaddlePaddle to freeload GPU computing power! Can be used for drawing on NovelAI!


Recently, I was writing a novel, but there was no character design in the novel 😭

So this person went online to find tutorials

The tutorial was found, but the use of NovelAI requires powerful graphics card performance (Blue Factory UHD 620 trembling)

But fortunately, Bilibili up master Zhe Sheng Zai Shi found a way to freeload GPU computing power and provided detailed tutorials

So this article came into being (

What you need#

Baidu account *1

Any internet-connected device *1 (yes, even a phone)

A normal IQ brain


  1. Open project address

  2. Click "Run"

    Freeloading NovelAI-1

  3. Log in as required

  4. Choose V100 16GB/32GB in "Select Runtime Environment"
    Difference: 32g can draw a maximum of 704×1024 or 512×1024 long, 16g cannot 😂

    Freeloading NovelAI-2

  5. Wait for the prompt "Environment started successfully" and click "Enter" or similar wording

  6. Then you will enter this interface

    Freeloading NovelAI-3

  7. Scroll down to the illustration and move the mouse to a pair of square brackets, click on the start running that appears

    Freeloading NovelAI-4

  8. When prompted "Loading complete, please restart the kernel", click on the restart kernel above

    Freeloading NovelAI-5

  9. Scroll down again to the illustrated interface

    Freeloading NovelAI-6

  10. Below, you have two choices: give text, AI draws (text-to-image) and give image, AI creates (image-to-image)Freeloading NovelAI-6


    1. Move the mouse to a pair of square brackets and click on the start running that appears

    2. When this interface appears, you can enter the characteristics of this character in the prompt box (in English)

      Freeloading NovelAI-7

    3. After entering, click "Generate Image" to get a drawing (not satisfied? Click "Generate Image" again)


      The method is similar to Text-to-Image, but you need to upload the original image to the root directory


I didn't expect it, awa

So here are two pictures made by AI



This article is synchronized updated to xLog by Mix Space
The original link is https://laobinghu.top/posts/program/novel-ai-drawing

Ownership of this post data is guaranteed by blockchain and smart contracts to the creator alone.