

From the perspective of an observer, a sharp evaluation of Zhao Juying.

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This article contains a lot of subjective opinions, please watch with caution

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Second warning, this article contains a lot of subjective opinions, please watch with caution


Third warning, this article contains hypertension, please prepare antihypertensive drugs

The original video is here: Zhao Juying's Home Visit Gundam Complete Edition, but I personally don't recommend everyone to watch it, because it can easily cause hypertension.

Now, I will provide a sharp critique of the actions of this "education expert" Zhao as an onlooker.

Is this your home? I would like to ask.

As soon as you enter, you start shouting and pointing fingers at others, claiming to be acting in the name of justice while harming others.

Then, without permission, you barge into someone's bedroom. Can you imagine that the bedroom is a person's private space?

If I were to barge into your bedroom without permission, would you feel comfortable?

I don't think anyone would feel comfortable.

What's the key issue here? It's that without the consent of the bed owner, you even sit on someone else's bed while still wearing your outer clothes.

It's vulgar!

Think about it, do action figures cost money?

Of course they do. But did you pay for them? Have you spent a penny on them?

No, you haven't! But just because you say to smash them, does that mean I have to smash them?

With only a junior high school diploma, what qualifications do you have to stand on a moral high ground and dictate to others?

The students in the video should be going from the second year of junior high school to the third year, but this Zhao teacher is imposing pressure and forcibly equating playing with action figures to poor academic performance.

Full Metal Panic designer: He Dongzhao, graduated from the Economics Department of Chuo University in Japan. Sword Breaker designer: Yoshinori Suke, graduated from the Literature Department of Chuo University in Japan. Armored Girls Battleplane designer: Motoyuki Keitaro, graduated from Keio University's Faculty of Science and Technology. Gundam designer: Okawara Kunio, graduated from Tokyo Zokei University. Hatsune Miku designer: illustrator KEI, graduated from Kyoto University's Music Department. Pikachu designer: Tajiri Satoshi, graduated from Tokyo Technical Institute and is also the president of GAME FREAK. Heisei Three Great Designers: Tsuburaya Eiichi, graduated from Tamagawa University. (The original text is from a comment under the video titled "Those who block me are all dog's offspring", and I would like to express my gratitude.)

Well, according to what it says, are the academic qualifications of these people all fake?

So, true artists and designers are truly talented and knowledgeable.

You don't have the ability yourself, so you resort to defaming others. Is that interesting?

Some people can still achieve good grades while playing. Why? Because they have a way to relieve stress. With your teaching method, aren't you forcing people to become learning machines?

Which is easier to conquer, a machine with independent thinking or a person without any opinions?

Of course, it's a person without any opinions.

What is education? It's not just about filling a cup with water, but also about igniting a bunch of matches - as the saying goes, a spark can start a prairie fire.

And what about this? Education without punishment is not called education. Isn't this the same cultural dregs as the saying "A filial child is raised under the rod"?

A stray dog barks like this: If you don't pass the high school entrance exam, you'll just play.

May I ask, did you receive compulsory education? Oh, sorry, I forgot that a stray dog is not eligible to attend compulsory education.

By extension:

Elementary school: If you don't pass the junior high school entrance exam, it's over.

Junior high school: If you don't pass the high school entrance exam, it's over.

High school: If you don't get into college, you're finished.

College: If you don't have a job, you're finished.

Job: If you don't have a family, you're finished.

Having a family: If you don't have children, you're finished.

Having children: If you don't educate your children, you're finished.

Child in elementary school: If your child doesn't pass the junior high school entrance exam, it's over.

Child in junior high school: If your child doesn't pass the high school entrance exam, it's over.

Child in high school: If your child doesn't get into college, it's over.

Child in college: If your child doesn't have a job, it's over.

... ...

Endless, returning to the original topic, it can always find excuses to attack you. However, what about those who have been brainwashed by this statement?

They don't live happily.

As the saying goes: What you owe now will cost you thousands of times more in the future to make up for it.

Article 2 of the Rules on Discipline in Primary and Secondary Education (Trial):

Ordinary primary and secondary schools, secondary vocational schools (hereinafter referred to as schools) and their teachers shall implement disciplinary measures on students who violate rules and regulations during the process of education and management, in accordance with these rules.
The disciplinary measures referred to in these rules refer to the management, guidance, or correction of students who violate rules and regulations by schools and teachers based on educational purposes, in order to make students take it as a warning, recognize and correct their mistakes.

May I ask, it is neither a teacher nor in a school, what qualifications do you have to use a ruler to hurt others' self-esteem?

And you even put surveillance cameras in other people's homes, are you a voyeur? And you can't even move a thing. Is this your home?

You force others to write down their "dreams" on the wall and ask why they don't strive for their "dreams".

Can dreams be defined by others?

I don't give a damn!

If it were me, I would smash the surveillance cameras in front of the stray dog, break the ruler, tear down the "dreams," and kick this damn thing out!

In our customs, stray dogs are not allowed into the house.

Our homeroom teacher once said something very meaningful: Only children who know how to play can learn.

This is called work-life balance.

Take myself as an example. 100 days before the high school entrance exam, I was playing.

Less than ten days before the high school entrance exam, I was still playing.

I kept playing from 100 days before the high school entrance exam until the day before the exam.

But even so, I still got into a good school.

What does this show? It's all nonsense!

Why is society chaotic? It's because of those clowns who think they are experts dancing on the beam.

I'm so annoyed!

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