

Change Notice & Migration Announcement

Due to my preparation for the high school entrance examination, I need to quit internet addiction.

I can't touch the computer before the high school entrance examination.

So there will be a long period of no updates before the high school entrance examination.

In addition, there is a risk of being hacked in dynamic blogs, so it will be changed to a static blog after the high school entrance examination (hexo/hugo to be determined).

Wish me success in the high school entrance examination.

(Updated on 1/27/2024: The plan to stop updating is postponed until May this year)

(Updated on 5/32/2024: There are 11 days left until the high school entrance examination, and updates are expected to resume)

This article is synchronized updated to xLog by Mix Space
The original link is https://blog.laobinghu.top/posts/notice/stop-updating

Ownership of this post data is guaranteed by blockchain and smart contracts to the creator alone.